Sunday, February 13, 2011

Creating Your Own Line At The Door

I'm sitting here, fingers on the keyboard...thinking...straining...hoping for something exciting to pulse through my mind and appear on the computer monitor.
Matt has disappeared...literally. He went on a trip to Vegas with his boss and other work associates...and I haven't heard from him in awhile. I'm pretty sure he's married to a stripper named Foxy Roxy and working the blackjack table at Caesars.
Do I think I'll hear from Matt again? Yes, of course I will. Will it be soon? Probably not. You see Matt has used this time in Sin City to see if any feelings/desires came up for me while he was away. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, but when you weren't really that interested to begin can be hard to even remember a girls name after a week. Was it lack of interest, or was it myself being too available?
For the women out there, I know you've all read the book 'He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Guide to Understanding Guys' by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo. What a great book, am I right?!?
With such great chapters as "He's just not that interested if he's not calling you" or "He's just not that into you if he's not having sex with you", and my personal favorite chapter "He's just not that into you if he doesn't want to marry you"; how can we women feel lost in the dating world when we have such great survival guides. Insert sarcasm here....
The book is light, and funny, and can be an easy way for us to pull the plug on scenarios that can potentially lead to a lot of headache and heartache. The concept that if I man does anything that you don't like or if he doesn't live up to some of our ridiculous expectations of how we should be treated, then forget him, dump him, get rid of him, 'cause he's obviously not interested in us, it is however unbelievably unrealistic. I understand that the book has been simplified for us ladies, to make the scenarios as easily applicable to the majority of the relationships we're in and the majority of the men we meet, but let's be honest here.
No matter how hot we are, there is no line at our door for the men waiting to take the spot of the Dumb-Dumb we just ditched because "he just wasn't that into us".
I know there are a lot of girls out there reading this and saying "No! It's true! I followed the book and now I'm happy with my man!" Good for you. I'm sure you also think that the fortune cookie that you got with your General Tao chicken last night also predicted your future and gave you your winning lottery numbers.
I found the book too black and white, and in all situations, it made men look like the bad guy. Of course the book told us how wonderful we are, how gorgeous we are, how we're strong, independent women, but then every chapter ended with every man not being interested in us. It seems to be a bit contradictory.
This past Monday, a close friend of mine bought me the book "The Manual" by Steve Santagati. It's written by a self proclaimed "bad boy", who has dated and played many women for many years. He breaks down why men do the things they do, and how we as women can learn to recognize these patterns in their behavior, master their game and win!
The book was pretty entertaining, even though the first few chapters were solely dedicated to women and how we should dress, exercise and generally present ourselves for men. Some may find it condescending, but it is in fact a simple reminder of how men are easy creatures to understand. Obviously by putting those topics first in the book, he demonstrated what men find to be the most important thing in a, you got it, it's appearance.
Other chapters include discussions on keeping men guessing, letting them do the hunting, giving them their space, and so on.
My favorite chapter was on how women should date numerous men at once. It keeps you busy, and doesn't allow you to focus and analyze one particular person/relationship, and makes you seem unavailable to men, which makes them want to hunt/chase you.
But then we're back to the scenario I mentioned with "He's Just Not That Into You". What if you don't have that line up of men at your door?
I've decided to create a line up, and for girls looking to create their own line, I think you should join me on this experiment/journey. This blog doesn't hurt, and neither does my new attitude that "what's the worst that can happen?". My guy friends are always telling me how it's so much easier for a girl to get a date then a guy, all you have to do is ask. Sounds I'm giving it shot. If creating a line requires me to ask in order to receive, then consider me officially exercising my vocal cords.
January started off as a slow month, with Matt being a strong influence, but February has already started to show promise with some new faces into my dating line up. Is it coincidence that it is also falling in the same time line as the NHL first round trades? Maybe February is just the time of year that we should start shuffling the deck around, and stacking our team with some descent representation . Having a new, exciting player in our line up can sometimes hide the fact that we still have no shot at the playoffs, but hey...we're still loving the game.
I've put "He's Just Not That Into You" in the back of my bookshelf. It's done, old news, and not applicable. I'm going to give "The Manual" a shot this month and see how well it works.

To be noted....
Just as I was getting ready to publish this blog. Matt emerged from his Sin City escapades and asked to hang out. Steve Santagati is on to something here.....